Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 123

This drawing tells the story of a person who wishes for the respect and admiration of another, and has come to the unfortunate realization that all of their efforts are not as appreciated as they had thought.  Certainly these things should be earned, but they should also not be irrationally withheld.

I've always found it interesting when certain discoveries are made.  Based on the previous 122 portraits in this project, a couple things are obvious.  First of all, I have made a lot of drawings in pen that feature a very prominent heavy outline.  Secondly, I have made several drawings, albeit in charcoal, on brown paper bag.  Last night I was looking at the website of one of my former students, Derek Rippe, and was impressed by his use of that similar style, although his work is made in a much more minimal manner than I employ.  I'll admit that the style of this drawing was inspired by his artwork.  Be sure to check out his fabulous art!

#123 February 20, 2011,  Pen on brown paper bag
Sounds:  Lucinda Williams, Car Wheels on a Gravel Road

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