Saturday, July 23, 2011

Day 275

The idea for this self-portrait came to me while I was looking at a blog featuring the work of a variety of artists. When I saw a very cartoony image of a couple characters, I knew I needed to steal that style for today!

Something that I always find very interesting about making art is the way that a piece can change as the creation process unfolds. In other words, yes, my idea came from someone else's art style, but as my artwork changed and became what it ultimately did, it was no longer stealing.  A more accurate way of saying it would be that I borrowed an idea, because my self-portrait and the original inspiration have so little in common that one would be hard-pressed to suggest that one really led to the other.

#275 July 22, 2011,  Acrylic and Sharpie marker on bristol board

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