Sunday, September 11, 2011

Day 325

This drawing evolved pretty significantly as it was in the process-phase. I love the star imagery and frequently use it in my own art. At one point or another, I decided to put one of my eyes inside a star. (I really like the loose lines used throughout, but especially on the edges of the star!)

As I was nearing the end of brushing on the ink, it became clear that the drawing was lacking something. That something revealed itself as the need for some color.

I don't know how or why it happened that I blackened the eye, but I will say that it ultimately wasn't an accidental thing.  In other words, I had the idea and then put it on paper.  This is different from the time a person in one of my paintings received a black eye simply because I dropped some blue paint near their eye and as I tried to remove it, I liked how it looked!  (Incidentally, the meaning of that painting changed dramatically at that very moment...)

I like this image a lot, but as always I'll leave it open to various interpretations.  I will say this, however: a black eye can represent many different things so this self-portrait can and does have many different meanings.  One idea that I'm drawn to as I write this, though, is that sometimes a person might feel like they are repeatedly beaten down, yet they keep coming back for more.  Personally, I think that perserverance and tenacity are pretty great and admirable character traits...

#325 September 10, 2011,  Ink and colored pencil
Sounds: The Rainmakers, Flirting with the Universe

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